Weeds around the pasture

I’ve put the static grass away for now. I still have the bit next to the backdrop to finish up, but otherwise, I think it’s time to stop and consider before it gets worse.

Some techniques are worth mentioning so I can remember them for when I get to work on the near side of the tracks:

  • The dense patches of darker material are Silflor mats, and will receive yellow flowered tops to represent goldenrod.
  • Inspired by Gordon Gravett, there are several patches of postiche with ground foam. These are really effective!
  • I made the tall single-strand weeds by dragging individual strands of Woodland Scenics Field Grass through Burnt Umber acrylic paint, and then through some Woodland Scenics Soil ground foam. I cut them to nearly the right length before planting them individually.
  • The path to the cattle pen was awful after my first attempt. I had left about 12 scale feet of space between the tall weeds, and filled in all but a central path with a mixture of Woodland Scenics and Silflor “Spring” grasses. The uniformity and brightness was terrible, so I started scrubbing with an old toothbrush, with the idea that I would start over. After a little while, it started to look alright.
  • Speaking of toothbrushes, I learned that I need to use a toothbrush and the vacuum cleaner at the same time to remove all the fibres that failed to stick to anything.

One thought on “Weeds around the pasture

  1. Looking good… Static grass alone is not enough…I like your efforts to have variety of color, height and additional texture. I love forward to seeing what’s next

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